Happy Brains = Happy Environments

qua, 24 de mar de 2021 às 15:19

We are going through a difficult time ... this is undeniable! However, it is still important to contextualize that people react differently!

Why do some people respond to negative facts with positive attitudes?

My goal in this post is to discuss the article written by Summer Allen and Jeremy Adam Smith, present in the online magazine of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley and co-relate with the environments.
The way we react to the bad experiences of our daily lives reveals a lot about our brains
People with more positive dispositions are more able to regulate their emotions than people with more negative personalities, more likely to have unpleasant experiences.
Happier people, focus on positive things and filter out negative ones, know how to make the most of the good things in life, thus allowing them to raise their emotional state.

According to the article, one way to justify this is to observe the activity in the amygdala!

But what is amygdala?

A small region of the brain, shaped like an almond, neuroscientists thought of it as the center of the brain's fear, always looking for potential threats, serves for observation, but remains active when people are trying to achieve their goals. It is also linked to human wants and needs!

However, when there is an excessive increase in the activity of the amygdala, it can be associated with depression and anxiety.

We know that threatening situations can have lethal consequences, it makes sense that the amygdala is tuned to react to all stimuli with fear, that way and human beings have a negativity bias, that is, they tend to focus on threats, so it exists the association of people's negativity with hyper-stimulation of the amygdala.

But then how to mitigate this activity?

Stimulating positive emotions such as social connection!

When we talk about or think about work environments, we can associate them with dynamic and integrated environments that facilitate social connections and relationships.

Thus generating healthy and safe work!

There is also a clear relationship between the ability to connect and help others with personal well-being.

Positive emotions also related to the pursuit of a goal people with defined goals tend to develop positive emotions.

In addition, the human brain linked to a goal, contributes to moral and fair behavior!

The feeling of positivity influences the way a person sees the world around him!

Happy people know how to recognize negativity, but without allowing themselves to be influenced by it, they develop resilience and understand that the negative facts generate in these people learning and not mistakes!

For this reason, being able to feel and respond to negative information can really be an important component to happiness and this has everything to do with healthy work environments.

Another aspect seen in people who respond positively to negative facts is the characteristic of helping people!

The most charitable people who truly practice charity are the happiest! Helping others is an evolutionary feature!


 Helping others can help us to be happy!

Cristiane Cantele
Senior Ergonomist
Wellness Sciences Specialist